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Posted by Chris Murtland
Jan 24, 2018 at 03:09 PM
kjxymzy wrote:
Chris Murtland wrote:
>>ability to “mark” multiple locations in the outline and then “throw” or
>Does any modern (updated in the past year) outliner software do that? It
>is such a powerful concept, I’m surprised it isn’t a common feature.
Well, InfoQube does have the ability to mark items and then do some operations with the marked items - like add them as cloned children of another parent. That’s also highly useful, but a little different than “throwing” items to marked locations, I think.
The way you can move items in Dynalist - with a popup search that can find any other item in your account, is sort of similar and actually pretty good. There is still something about the BrainStorm approach that makes restructuring information very fast once you have all the keyboard shortcuts in muscle memory.