Tell us about your book
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Posted by Graham Rhind
Nov 28, 2017 at 04:01 PM
At the last count I’d written five books.
The first three (in the nineties/early noughties) were “officially” published. I wrote them all in MS Word and didn’t use any outlining or organising software. (Unlike many books my stuff is largely original so I don’t have to juggle sources, references, quotes etc.).
(1) Building and Maintaining a European Direct Marketing Database. (Snappy title ....not!)
(2) The Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
(3) Practical International Data Management
The fourth book was a version of the second book (keep up ;-) ) and was published by a commercial company as a sort of marketing gimic to give free to their customers.
Though the publishing house wanted to publish a second edition of my second book, the whole process was too slow for me, especially as the information in the book is updated regularly, so I put it online, firstly using The Brain, when it allowed exporting to a website, and I then shifted everything into ConnectedText. It’s a huge resource and freely available at . I have to hope that CT doesn’t stop working anytime soon as it took me over 2 years to import it and tweak it in CT.
The third book is now out of print but I do maintain a website that contains snippets and examples from that book - also maintained in CT and accessible at .
The fifth book (Better Data Quality From Your Web Form) is short, self-published and free, created in Word, and downloadable from (don’t be fooled by the URL - I don’t always count my fourth book when totting up the total unless I’m trying to impress somebody :-) )
Well, you did ask ... ;-)