ConnectedText versus Ndxcards
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Posted by Derek Cornish
Oct 21, 2007 at 12:04 AM
Zoot and ConnectedText
Ike -
> The wiki is for long-term notes which evolve, grow into substantial essays over time. As well as the advantages of using a wiki - good for brainstorming, easy to access since it’s just another tab in Firefox, a way of collecting information to be used like LEGO bricks to create something larger, what I find useful here is that I can see how these changes have occurred, can go back in time, see how my thoughts have developed.
Thanks v. much for explaining how you use a wiki alongside Zoot. It seems like a useful strategy, and I may try out something similar with ConnectedText, especially if I can get my hands on the beta with outlining. As Manfred commented, wikis are (at least on the surface of it) a different way of approaching note-taking, despite the feature overlap with programs like Zoot, and worth investigating just because of that.
As for WhizFolders, I am attracted by its ability to provide universal links to its content - something I don’t think NoteMap provides. This, and its rtf editor ,makes it an attractive partner to Zoot for the later stages of drafting. I can see, however, that a wiki might provide some of these benefits, too.
Maybe, as John Connors suggests - -
we need to take a look at the various stages of producing essays, articles, books, etc. again…