Southbeach Modeller vs TheBrain
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Posted by Hugh
Mar 30, 2016 at 03:02 PM
I agree with moritz’s post. Southbeach Modeller looks most impressive (ignoring its name). On the Mac, of course I can’t use it (without the fuss of, say, Parallels, which I’m reluctant to return to). Hard to tell without being hands-on, but in circumstances where Southbeach seems likely to have been designed for the purpose, I’ve been using Flying Logic (, another “argument mapper” but one which is cross-platform. However, Soutbeach appears to be significantly more sophisticated and helpful than FL.
I too agree with the distinctions between The Brain and - what I understand to be - the functionality of Southbeach. I’m a relatively new user of TB, but I’ve never really seen it as a “modelling” application, although I understand how it could be used for that purpose.