Southbeach Modeller vs TheBrain
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Posted by TempusFugit
Mar 21, 2016 at 08:01 PM
Hello, Dr. A.
My desired outcome with CT is to assign an F-Key to make Topic Links either expand out or contract to the Parent. In case of expansion, to more than just the current capability of the first level of the Topic.
It would be great to enable also expansion of Links to 2nd, 3rd and even 4th Levels. [One can do this in “TheBrain”]
I realize that, given the current UI layout of Nav in CT, with many Topical links, this could be a messy affair with some Projects, but one could remedy this by making Nav an independent, full size window.
If you know a Tweak, would be all ears!
Best regards,
Dr Andus wrote:
TempusFugit wrote:
>>As for ConnectedText, I wish Eduardo would beef up the Navigator and
>>allow sequential expansion/contraction of levels for each Topic. That
>>would simplify things.
>Not sure if I fully understand your requirement but if you’re talking
>about unfolding/refolding outbound links by double-clicking on a topic
>in the Navigator, it is possible to set up that behaviour by changing
>some of the options.