RightNote Printing Question
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Posted by Ken
Jan 8, 2016 at 07:22 PM
Thank you again for offering up a solution! It does solve a few issues, but I am realizing that I am then bumping up against an issue that I raised with the author of the program when I first purchased it. You cannot combine search and tag features to find items. So, I can use your method and get a list via the search command, but I cannot further refine it with a tag filter. I suspect that there are workarounds, like the labels that you added to each task, but I have never found those solutions to easily fit into my work flow in the long term. I know somebody would say to change my work flow, but I have always believed that for the most part, tools should fit into a reasonable work flow, and that work flows come out of how we think about and organize data. I am not opposed to change, but it needs to make sense to my brain if it is going to be successfully incorporated into my daily work environment.
I need to mull this over for a bit before deciding what makes sense. I would say that I miss my beloved Ecco, but it has been quite some time since I was able to use it, and I suspect that the nature of my work has also changed. I am not sure what is the solution, but I know that at work, few programs that I have evaluated in the past two years seem to fully click with me. But, your advice has at least given me more options for consideration, and that has been very helpful.
Thanks again,