Question on MS SharePoint
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Posted by Ken
Aug 17, 2015 at 04:47 PM
Franz Grieser wrote:
>I guess that is the reason why they bought Wunderlist - to “webify” MS
>Project and make it easier to use.
I am not sure that Wunderlist will fully get them into the game, but it is probably a good start. I tried the program when it first came out for the iPad and never used it because it seemed quite lacking in comparison to many other programs. I see that it has come a long ways since then, so I am hoping that they can work with it and possibly leverage off of their existing Office products as well. Microsoft today reminds me a lot of companies like IBM and Xerox in the 60’s and 70’s. They often seem to have an excess of talent and good ideas or products that are often never implemented, or if they are, only in a half-hearted manner. It takes a lot of resources to be able to let that much brain power and that many innovative ideas slip through the cracks without it greatly impacting the bottom line.