ConnectedText with mobile support? (Windows/iOS/Web)
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Posted by zoe
Apr 13, 2015 at 05:41 PM
Is there anything that has the power and flexibility of ConnectedText (image support, extremely robust markup options) but which I can access and/or update from my mobile device?
As has been discussed before, much of the preferred software in this space is Mac only, or Mac/iOS only. The options that are most attractive to me for Windows (ConnectedText, TheBrain), seem to have either NO mobile support or very spotty, buggy mobile support. For example, TheBrain’s iPhone app crashed repeatedly when I tried to test it through the company’s WebBrain interface.
I use Windows at work and at home, and have an iPhone for the mobile part of the equation. Also, I am limited in my ability to install software on my work machine (anything requiring admin-level installation requires a call to IT), so I want something I can also access on the web if possible, or by editing files stored in Dropbox.