Software that's enjoyable ... software that's a drudgery
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Posted by Ken
Mar 4, 2015 at 04:08 PM
On a similar note, there really is no program that easily allows multiple parties to mark up lengthy documents with comments and suggested changes, and that allows all of the parties to track all of these comments and changes through multiple iterations. Google Wave seemed to further some of this technology, and I see bits and pieces in many web-based collaborative programs like Quip, but for serious work involving large documents and multiple parties (representing multiple interests), there is a lack of options. And this is a great case of where email often fails, especially when the number of parties involved increases from a few to upwards of 10. I could go on further, but it would just frustrate me more as I am involved in a number of these negotiations at the moment, and my inbox is suffering, but not as much as my brain.