An in-depth TheBrain app-praisal !
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Posted by Paul Korm
Feb 21, 2015 at 02:10 PM
There are two ways to do this. Make something outside of TheBrain and import the file, or create a file from a template (Thought > Attachments > Add Attachment…). One can load up TheBrain with numerous templates—I have a couple of dozen different file types stored in TheBrain’s Template folder in its configuration space and regularly add more. So, for example, if I am working in a portion of a Brain and want to branch off into an external mind map or outline or diagram, from my existing inventory of templates I add a Mind Manager, or OO4 document, or Scapple diagram as an attachment to a Thought. I can click the attachment icon and open that document to edit, and later I can click the icon and use QuickLook (OS X version of TheBrain) to see a preview of that document in a floating window in TheBrain.
Hugh wrote:
At the suggestion of Paul Korm and Steve Z., I’ve started using TheBrain
>as a “graphical file store and manager”. So far, it seems to me to be
>excellent in that role (except for its expense). I’ve had no problem
>whatsoever in getting files out of it that I’ve attached to it - for