MyInfo 4 Beta
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Posted by Ian Goldsmid
Jul 21, 2007 at 10:40 PM
Zargron wrote:
>Interesting comments you made Thomas regards do-Organizer |vs|
>Anyone know how do-Organizer goes with regards to flexibility / ease
>of data import / export?
do-Organizer tries to integrate with other stuff, like Outlook, Outlook Express, but it does a dreadful job compared with Ultrarecall, Personal Brain, Omea, and Zoot. Its export facilities are also highly sub-optimal. The development pace of do-Organizer has slowed to a crawl. The pattern I’ve seen over the years is that the GEMX development team do a spurt of development, then release a product with a lot of ragged edges, then take almost forever to clean it all up…
do-Organizer is certainly an interesting concept, but I wouldn’t take it seriously for about another year….
Regards, IJG