File Manager Ranking ( general view ) + ( tagging features)
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Posted by Hugh
Jul 20, 2014 at 08:11 PM
FWIW, on my Mac I use OS X Mavericks as the basis of my hierarchical system, Hazel with help from Yep to tag and file, and DevontThink to index, search and most importantly, provide “See also” suggestions (all of which is probably overkill, but is partly legacy from using different systems over the years). DevonSphere Express might be an adequate replacement for DevonThink, were I starting from scratch.
Currently I’m trying to work out whether, in my use-cases, I could justify the expense of TheBrain providing multi-platform “from-ends” for this ad hoc system for particular projects and purposes, as Steve Z and Paul K imply (I’m extrapolating, perhaps incorrectly, from what they have helpfully written in another thread).