An in-depth TheBrain app-praisal !
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Posted by Paul Korm
Jul 11, 2014 at 10:54 AM
Stephen - in DEVONthink (I assume this is also true with TheBrain) if an external “indexed” file or a link is located on Mac A and Mac B at the same relative path from the root of the current volume on both machines, then the links will continue to work. E.g., if you have a link to “~/Dropbox/...” or “~/Documents/Meaning of Life/Part 249.docx”, then the link (or a indexed file) should work on both machines. This doesn’t apply to iOS devices, of course.
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
> 3. If you are going to be syncing TheBrain between two or more Macs, note that you will not be able to keep links
> between external documents in sync. That is, if you’re linking to a specific document in DevonThink on Mac A,
> that link will not work in Mac B (and I am pretty certain that is the case, even if your DevonThink
> database is sync’d between the two computers, though I am not sure of that). One thing I haven’t tried
> (maybe someone else can answer) is what happens if you have the external link leading to a file or document
> in Dropbox, which is sync’d across computers—my guess is it won’t work, but don’t know for sure.