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Posted by Dave Ewins
Mar 3, 2014 at 06:56 AM
Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
I can only compare it
>with Brainstorm. In this context, SENSE has much more powerful
>overview/navigation but not clones.
I’m not familiar with Brainstorm so I’m not sure with regard to the context in which cloning occurs: however, cloning is supported within Sense Professional’s ViewPoints.
and Dr Andus wrote:
For example, could I paste in/import e.g. a 10k word plain text (or RTF) and then gradually add >headings of unlimited hierarchy (i.e. not just the usual 6 of >HTML or 9 of MS Word), all the way down to every single paragraph, should it be necessary?
Once the unlimited headed hierarchy has been created, headings or more generallly lines may be drag / dropped from the main document into the ViewPoints Pane as “viewpoints” for (out of main document context) subject categorization, review and editing.
Cloning allows repeated viewpointing of material irrespective of overlap: for example, a headed hierarchy may be viewpointed at different levels.
Viewpointed material may be edited with changes resynchronized across all cloned instances and back to the main document on focus change or via toolbar synchronise selection.