Jerry Michalski: Lessons from 15 years using TheBrain
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jan 20, 2014 at 11:48 PM
An interesting aspect of how Jerry uses TheBrain is that he rarely adds any content to his thoughts. They frequently have URL attachments, but no files or notes or meta data in the form of tags or thought types. He mentioned that this was an artifact from using the first versions of TheBrain, which didn’t have all those extra features, but he also said or implied that he eschews adding that extra information because it would a.) inhibit his willingness to drop information into TheBrain, and b.) he was fearful it would slow TheBrain down.
I am absolutely certain this is atypical, but I can also see the appeal. Still, having the ability to combine all that information in one thought is one of TheBrain’s strengths. But it is food for thought (pardon the pun).
Steve Z.