Can TheBrain be synced without the cloud
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jan 20, 2014 at 02:04 PM
I don’t think there is a practical way to do this. With TheBrain you can create “Brain Zips,” which is a nice packaged file of your “brain.” You can then read that into your other Brain, which occurs pretty quickly. But you wouldn’t want to have to do this to ping pong your brains back and forth between two or more computers.
Steve Z.
Prion wrote:
I was wondering whether TheBrain can be synced without the cloud.
>The rationale behind is not so much the added cost but more so the fact
>that I simply would not want to trust my data to the cloud with no
>control over who has access to them.
>No discussion of NSA and do I have anything to hide, please.
>So, any ideas or even experience?
>Thanks in advance