3-1/2 years later ...
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Posted by Franz Grieser
Jun 11, 2007 at 08:47 PM
Let’s see if I remember the info management and writing tools I used in 2003:
- Infoselect
- Notemap
- Mindmanager
- Storylines
- Microsoft Office 2003 incl. Outlook
2 weeks ago my Windows PC died (I managed to rescue the hard disk containing all data). I built a new PC and decided to install only the software I really need and use.
Here is what I installed and use now:
- Infoselect 2007
- Textanz ( a useful tool for making sure I do not overly use certain words)
- OpenOffice.org
- TheBat (as mail client) - though that may be replaced by Thunderbird in the next weeks
Next week, I will probably install:
- Mind Genius (for brainstorming a new project)
- Surfulator (the web clipping feature in Infoselect is rather poor)
I also installed Ideamason 3.1 - just to see if it is faster on my new 2 GHz machine, which it isn’t. As I do not need IM for my current projects, I just uninstalled it.
No more need for Notemap and Storylines.