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Posted by Dr Andus
Sep 11, 2013 at 08:16 AM
andyjim wrote:
>This will involve hundreds if not thousands of text items. Best
>I can tell, CT requires a unique name for each topic. While I can
>probably fit most of these items under 30 or so categories, coming up
>with a unique title for each item seems out of reach. Any way around
>this requirement?
I presume these thousands of text items already have their own file names, so as far as I understand, you can just put them all in the same folder and use CT’s import wizard to import them. I think CT will just keep the same names for the topic titles. Then you can use categories within CT to classify them etc.
>Second question is a tech help question. I’ve created an outline, but
>now I cannot close it. I get a pop up saying “outline is modified, do
>you want to save it?” I say yes and nothing happens. I wonder if it’s
>because I have not named the outline, which I do not see how to do.
Saving the outline doesn’t close it. To get rid of it, you can open a new outline, or an already saved outline, or close the Outline pane altogether.
>I’d also like to solicit recommendations here if anyone can suggest a
>more ideal software for my thought base project than CT. I do need
>outliner capability because that is how I think and write.
That will be a subjective choice. If you want something similar to but not CT, you could try some of the other desktop wikis (Zim, Wikidpad - though I don’t know about their outliner), TheBrain, Piggydb, MS OneNote, myBase or some more hierarchical-type tools like UltraRecall.