Seeking Neil Larson for registration code
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Posted by johnmcde
Jun 28, 2013 at 06:14 PM
The MaxThink manual is 8 1/2 x 11, spiral bound and printed (not poor photocopy). The manual is 1/2 inch thick. Neil numbered the pages as Chapter# - Page# so I can’t tell you how many pages (one of these days I might count the pages). I forget where I read this but supposedly Neil doesn’t have a copy of the manual (unconfirmed). Scanning and converting this manual to PDF would be a monumental task, not to mention that the manual carries Neil’s copyright.
With all the things I’ve had and lost over the years, I’m amazed that I still have that manual. I’ve often wondered what would have happened had Neil collaborated with David Tebbutt (creator of BrainStorm). Alas, the windows version of MaxThink is terrible and David & Marck sold BrainStorm to someone who is sitting on it instead of developing it further.