Software for creating writing project dashboard with links to files
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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Jun 1, 2013 at 12:16 AM
Dr Andus,
Check out this video tutorial of how to use TheBrain’s expanded views, which may be what you’re looking for:
Dr Andus wrote:
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
>>You are describing TheBrain almost perfectly. You should really give it
>>a try. I use it much the way you are describing as a dashboard for my
>>office work. The only slight issue you might have with it is that the
>>“outline” view is a little lightweight.
>Steve, thanks for the suggestion. I’ve tried TheBrain repeatedly over
>the years but somehow I never figured out what I could use it for. It
>hasn’t occurred to me to use it as a dashboard.
>If I remember correctly, my problem with TheBrain was that individual
>items can’t be permanently pinned to a board. When you click on an item,
>all the related items dynamically rearrange themselves on the screen,
>which I find problematic because I want to remember the spatial
>co-ordinates of where things are.
>The advantage of TheBrain over a standard mind mapper seems to be that
>it can zoom (hoist). However, what I like about Freeplane is that one
>can have a one-page total overview of a mind map when it’s unfolded,
>which doesn’t seem to be possible with TheBrain.
>Is there such a thing as a zoomable/hoistable standard mind map? I’d
>love it if Freeplane would work like WorkFlowy, so that by clicking or
>double-clicking on a node you zoom into that branch but still have
>breadcrumbs to go back home in one go or gradually.