lightweight 2-pane outliner for breaking up text quickly
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Posted by jimspoon
Jan 23, 2013 at 06:41 PM
Dr Andus wrote:
jimspoon wrote:
>Yes. It’s a very handy feature. O4D can also do it but in single pane
>only, so it’s not as good for rearranging bits of text.
>Thanks for the Ecco suggestion. Does Ecco have a similar command?
Sure, everything you need is on the Item menu. But I always use keystroke commands - Ctrl+Shift+S to split, Ctrl+S-J to join, alt-arrow keys to move items. Items don’t have titles in Ecco, but of course you could use as an outline item as a title. The reason I recommend Ecco for moving text around is its very quick - I’m sure Brainstorm is too.
When you’re read to export back to another program, you can use File / Database / Export / Outline Only (tab indented).