Tool suggestions for Art History Database?
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Posted by Susanne
Jan 3, 2013 at 01:20 PM
Hi Steve,
yes I know, these requirements ask for what we used to call (in german) the search for the “Eierlegende-Woll-Milch-Sau” (Egg-laying-wool-and-milk-giving-sow) back when I worked for vendors and SW companies ;-)
Actually, I am just about giving up the timeline aspect - I believe that if I can get the rest set up and have the information structured somehow, then I will probably be able to export information into some other package for the timeline. But, as the interest in art implies, I’m a very visual person. That’s why I was originally thinking of using TheBrain.
I appreciate that Zoot could probably do most of what I want, the smart folders are enticing. My reluctance about Zoot is based on it not working properly on my machines, I lost about 100mb of data a year ago and the problems with Evernote and crashing just have me concerned.
Ah well, now I know what it feels like on the other end of the stick!