The forgotten outliner: TKOutline
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Posted by Derek Cornish
Dec 14, 2012 at 05:55 PM
I was just about to download tkoutline when I happened upon your post here. Thank you very much for the great reminder list of tkoutline’s features.
I particularly needed a simple flash-drive-portable outliner - and in a hurry. Although Noteliner is billed as portable, as I understand it this is only the case as between computers with the necessary .Net and visual studio runtime files. (Please correct me if wrong…) The great thing about tkoutline is that it is really simple to use, cross-platform, and - as far as Windows is concerned - apparently “intergenerational”: it runs on early (WIN95, WIN98) versions as well as later ones.
There is a useful discussion of various issues at:
Of course, having said I was in a hurry, I couldn’t resist a little CRIMPING (PocketThinker, NoteLiner, Whizfolders,Brainstorm, GV) on the way. Back to work…