Info Select UI vs. The Window Tree
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Posted by Dr Andus
Oct 6, 2012 at 04:46 PM
razorboy wrote:
>Because there are so many options, I am also going to do trials of
>MyInfo, Debrief, ConnectedText, and WhizFolders. IS may still win the day, being
>“brain friendly” to me. But maybe not….. :<)
WhizFolders does have the “the connection lines of the tree system.” Although it does offer the use of “keywords” (tags), I never got into using them. My main issue with WhizFolders was that there seem to have been limitations with inserting images. It just really slowed down the system, once I added a modest amount of images.
I also note that there haven’t been any updates for more than a year.
Having said all that, I used to love WhizFolders and used it for years. I just wish it could handle large amounts of images and that the wiki functionalities could be improved. I would expect to see some dramatic new features in the next upgrade, considering that the current model is almost 2 years old.