Info Select UI vs. The Window Tree
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Posted by razorboy
Oct 6, 2012 at 04:06 PM
Stephen Zeoli wrote:
>If I understand what you’re saying correctly, I agree with you. I have
>appreciated the main interface of InfoSelect… it’s just the rest of the program
>that needs work. IS could get away with offering this “minimal categorization”
>scheme, partly because it has a lightning fast search function. Not every note needs
>to be “categorized” in the ways we discuss here, with tags, folders or categories.
>Sometimes I just want to make a note, save it and know that I’ll find it again easily.
>And, yes, the “feel” of a program really matters to me a lot. It’s one reason I have
>never warmed up to UltraRecall.
>Steve Z.
~~~~ “minimal categorization”~~~~~ Yes, that’s the term, thank you.
I did a trial of IS10, got the heck rid of that after 3 days, and am now doing a trial of IS 9, which is good. (IS 10: Talk about a convoluted step backward…... .) Because there are so many options, I am also going to do trials of MyInfo, Debrief, ConnectedText, and WhizFolders. IS may still win the day, being “brain friendly” to me. But maybe not….. :<)