Poll 2: Now it is easier: You can add three applications to your computer!
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Mar 26, 2007 at 02:56 PM
My own choices are the three programs I currently use most of the time (apart for the office suite applications):
- UltraRecall as my main project database
- Brainstorm as my main text development environment
- Either FreeMind or MindManager for visualising structures created in Brainstorm
By the way, a question for Andreas; could you share with us your experience with Aibase? I tried it and registered it but have never really managed to use it productively.
I have the impression that there are various small (one to two men) dedicated software development teams out there that have taken very different, but equally fascinating routes to information management: Tom Davis (Zoot), David & Marck (Brainstorm), Neville Franks (the Surfulater platform rather than Surfulater itself), Torsten Walter (Aibase), to mention but a few.
Harlander wrote:
>Whizfolders 6
>Citavi (The german equivalent to IdeaMason)