Mind mapping vs. Venn diagrams
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Posted by Dr Andus
May 28, 2012 at 11:26 AM
OutlinerBill wrote:
>The iPad version of Inspiration, Inspiration Maps (which I previously posted on)
>actually has a template with that, and if Inspiration for Windows doesn’t have the
>template, it wouldn’t be hard to replicate… for that matter with any concept
Bill, thank you for the suggestion. I downloaded the light edition and played around with it a bit. Generally the app looks good for mind mapping. I tried to replicate the template and tested it but in the end I found it didn’t quite do the trick for me mentally. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that I need a Venn diagram functionality here. However, most of the drawing apps in iPad that I’ve seen so far focus on presentation (i.e. creating something pretty, once you know what you are saying) rather than brainstorming (working rapidly to develop and discover ideas and relationships). At this point I think I will just stay with pen and paper, as that seems to be the fastest.