My Usage of PersonalBrain - Or how I manged to got (almost) cured from CRIMPING
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Posted by Metta
Mar 25, 2012 at 10:23 PM
You recently wrote:
“I too find theBrain very useful, though I have now switched to ConnectedText for recording most of my notes.”
...and then later….
“The web sync feature is nice because I often have my “brains”* open simultaneously on my MacBook and PC.”
In light of this, I was wondering: have you been able to put any of your ConnectedText notes/outlines directly into TheBrain (as opposed to creating a shortcut to the CT file on one of your two computers)?
The reason I ask is I’m testing TheBrain now, and would like to imbed collapsible outline files as attachments in TheBrain—and, unfortunately, when I tried doing this with outlines created in EccoPro, TheBrain damaged the files irreparably.
In light of this, I’ve been thinking instead of using ConnectedText to create my notes/outlines, but since I’ll be syncing my Brain file across the web, I will need all my notes/outlines to be located internally (within) TheBrain.
Have you attempted to do this with either notes and/or outlines created in CT? If so, have you been successful and/or do you have any hints or tips you’d want to share?
With appreciation and interest,
I couldn’t agree with you more when you wrote:
*Just for the record, the thing I most dislike about TheBrain is having to use the term ‘brains’ for my databases. It leads to silly phrases like, ‘Now you can have access to your brain wherever you are!’”