Triumphant return of Smereka TreeProjects
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Posted by Glen Coulthard
Dec 15, 2011 at 01:18 AM
Just wondering something. I typically attach PDFs to notes/topics/items (e.g., import journal articles and then take notes on my readings.) However, I have found that relatively few tools index the attached PDF files, or help in managing file attachments. Here is my observation:
Those programs that index PDFs internally:
1. UltraRecall
2. myBase
3. TheBrain 7 / PersonalBrain
4. Smereka TreeProjects
Those programs that do not index PDFs internally:
1. ConnectedText
2. MyInfo
3. MyNotesKeeper
4. TreePad X
TreeProjects has impressed me with its internal viewer for Office documents, but I don’t see a viewer for PDFs? By the way, TreeProjects is the only one that I haven’t purchased yet
. Any other programs out there that will both index and internally preview PDFs, as well as provide good notetaking capabilities? By the way, I like Adobe’s embedded preview (as used in MyInfo) just fine.