Reflexive outlining with several outliners
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Posted by JBfrom
Oct 24, 2011 at 05:47 AM
Actually, Supermemo does an interesting job of thinking for you via its cloze deletion process of continually refining text down into key memory hooks. It’s an iterative process that improves analysis.
The BrainStormWFO sorting procedure is another iterative process that allows analysis and also synthesis, leading to a complete mindmap from a series of extremely simple decisions.
Writing can’t be iteratively automated because it’s too r-mode, but you can strengthen the neural pathways, so to speak, by frequently “downloading” essays from brain to digital, and efficiently filing them to alleviate fear of loss that they’ll be forgotten. This regular downloading increases the r-mode’s writing ability on the given subject. And there are lots of tricks one can use to bypass the various friction points that arise while writing.