ConnectedText v5
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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:37 PM
Glen, thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.
No, you were not the professor I mentioned.
However, your article on using CT is one reason I have long wished I could get my head around it in terms of using it for managing information and references.
I see you have a video on the site on using CT for a library project, and I’ll be downloading and watching that. URLfor the video:
Glen Coulthard wrote:
>First of all, I hope that I’m not one of the “professors” you’ve mentioned
>Second, if you look back at my posts, you’ll find that although I am a strong proponent
>for Eduardo and ConnectedText, I use many different applications for different
>purposes. CT is a personal wiki - it is not a panacea for outliners, nor is it my GoTo
>application for everything. In fact, for writing and organizing content, I prefer
>the WYSIWYG hierarchical outlining features of MyNotesKeeper (MNK) or MyInfo over
>CT’s outlining capabilities.
>As for other desktop wikis, I’ve tried TiddlyWiki,
>Wikidpad, and ZuluPad Pro, and I’ve yet to find anything near the stability, power, or
>quality of CT. I hope that this statement does not sound like software snobbery; it
>certainly is not. Otherwise, I wouldn’t own 10 of such applications. I am just sharing
>my personal opinion of yet-another-productivity-tool that I hope will help better
>inform other users. CT is a wiki with a wiki-markup language. It is not Word or EverNote
>or PersonalBrain—all of which I use for their strengths.
>All my best,
>Having said this, I have requested a WYSIWYG front-end in the past to make CT easier to
>use for novices. For an excellent example, check out the PBWorks online wiki. Instead
>of having VIEW (read-only) and MARKUP (writeable) modes like CT, PBWorks allows
>WYSIWYG processing in their “VIEW” mode, while allowing wiki-markup language in
>their MARKUP mode. The perfect solution in my mind (although I appreciate the
>development difficulties.)