ConnectedText v5
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Posted by Graham Rhind
Sep 26, 2011 at 07:06 AM
No digression as far as I’m concerned!
I do agree with you about Personal Brain’s connections limitations. On the other hand, I can cut from Word (RTF) and paste into PB (HTML) and not have to do any reformatting. Import RTF or HTML into CT and you have a huge markup job to do to restore anything other than the basic formatting. As CT translates all the time from wiki markup to HTML it’s a shame that the translation the other way doesn’t work as well. So a user has to be sure that CT is going to be a tool of choice for them before going down that road.
On the other hand, one of my weaknesses is that I don’t tag anything, so finding my stuff in, for example, OneNote, is a thorough nuisance. A tool like CT would more or less force me to spend a lot of time thinking about how the data/information needs structuring and adding links, so it enforces better habits.
At least, that’s my hope! ;-)