myBase Desktop v6 released
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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Sep 15, 2011 at 08:54 PM
A question only partly linked to MyBase: I’m surprised that as an academic you have not turned to more specialised software which would support footnotes and the like. Have you tried them and been turned off in terms of complexity, or lacking in useful features?
Glen Coulthard wrote:
>So, currently, I am using
>ConnectedText as my personal wiki, WebResearch for my web clipping and link storage,
>PersonalBrain for processing and organizing local and web content, and
>MyNotesKeeper (MNK) for drafting and laying out articles (because of its image and
>file attachment capabilities.) Currently, I am evaluating both myBase and Amode as
>alternatives to MNK - both seem quite powerful and extensible.