CRPA1.8 beta testing
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Posted by TonyJ
Aug 26, 2011 at 10:33 PM
I really need to focus on making more and better use of the software that I already have data in so I won’t be testing your software. Still, I always enjoy checking out the various information managers.
There’s been a lot of discussion over the last few years at the Personal Brain forums on a suggestion from the users called views, which is where parts of the network would appear or disappear according to filters on the tags, link type or thought type. None of the developers have ever commented on whether they’re planning to implement this feature or not. Be that as it may, your program with its different sheets is a nice implementation of this idea.
Some of the users at the PB forums have pointed out that removing nodes in a group based on their type, or on the type of their links can easily leave islands of disconnected thoughts. True, but that’s not a problem with CRPA because you have a list nearby with all the nodes. For PB it’s an issue because if you only navigate with a visualization that occupies a virtual space much larger than your screen you don’t really know what’s there and what isn’t. Creating a sheet, a sort of new level, and then deciding what goes there individually makes a lot more intuitive sense now that I’ve seen your demos. Perhaps a little more time consuming and that could be a problem if someone had a project with thousands of notes, but I like it.
Very interesting program. I hope you’re successful with it.