Question: What software is absolutely essential to you
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Posted by Steve
Aug 3, 2011 at 06:14 PM
I don’t use Zoot. I’m a dream vacation consultant which is a fancier (and more accurate) term for travel agent. That’s why I said my business is contact oriented.
When it comes to PIM’s, the “personal” part is the focus. There are a gazillion (exaggeration, but not by much) ones out there. I’ve used many; Lotus Organizer, Agendus, proprietary for my industry, Above and Beyond, etc. All have their pluses, no doubt. But Intellect works best for me. I do miss features from the others at times….
My main programs that are running RIGHT NOW that I use to get the job done: Intellect, Brainstorm, Notetab , AskSam, Atlantis Word Processor
Work flow later - I need to help folks find where to go…..
JBfromBrainStormWFO wrote:
>Man Chaos Intellect that brings back memories, I’d totally forgotten my attempt to
>live in it years ago.
>Is there any place where I can read about your workflow, Steve?
>I’m curious how you use Zoot and Intellect and others together.