Question: What software is absolutely essential to you
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Posted by tightbeam
Aug 3, 2011 at 05:24 PM
Are you aware that some of those quotes are ten years old? (One from Alexander I traced back to a C/Net comment dated 2004.) It’s common practice to include the date of a testimonial with the text so readers can determine whether the user’s opinion is still relevant.
Is this the best way to promote your software? Your approach, so far, has put me entirely off the product. You’re trying way too hard.
JBfromBrainStormWFO wrote:
>Man Chaos Intellect that brings back memories, I’d totally forgotten my attempt to
>live in it years ago.
>Is there any place where I can read about your workflow, Steve?
>I’m curious how you use Zoot and Intellect and others together.
>I already got
>Alexander’s figured out… no idea you had posted so much about BrainStormWFO, Alex,
>you’ve been doing it for years. Respect.
>I admit Cyborganize might currently be
>weak on file management, Ultra Recall or something else might ultimately be a
>solution I’d look at.
>I’m finishing up a page that’s purely reconstructed from
>BrainStormWFO user reviews and testimonials, many of them from here. I literally
>just copied them all into BrainStormWFO, sorted them, and created a page from it.
>It’s still rough but here’s the link, since I’m quoting several people from here.
>The quote attributions aren’t added yet.