Using Personal Brain without making a huge mess
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Posted by TonyJ
Aug 3, 2011 at 01:07 AM
Here’s a snippet from a thread on the Personal Brain forums (‘Types/Tags and Parent thoughts’ is the thread if anyone is interested):
“There are multiple uses for PB even though they are closely related:
managing information (obvious)
managing actions and projects
brainstorming and doing mindmaps and diagrams (actually covers almost all of my needs in this area)
The reason why I want to distinguish those uses is that I’ve found that it’s best to approach them differently.”
I think this is pretty perceptive. I own a copy which I have not put to much use as of yet. At first I was inclined to use it as a replacement file explorer and bookmark manager and it didn’t take long to see it wasn’t worth the effort. But I’ve been thinking about using it more for tying short notes together and more recently I’ve been considering using it to manage my personal and work, projects and actions. There’s a long GTD thread in thebrain forums. The last two pages are particularly good and anyone interested in using PB for task management would likely find them worthwhile.