Re: Welcome Back MORE!
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 717
Posted by ps
2000-09-01 13:56:22
I remember that way back in the eighties when I tried to learn to program the Mac using Lightspeed Pascal I bought a book entitled “Macintosh Programming Secrets” by Scott Knaster. It featured some of the elements from MORE as examples on superb interactivity in user interface design.
An example: In those days printing on the common ImageWriter II printer - a 9-pin dot-matrix printer - took ages. As background printing was flaky to say the least, many of us just had to wait until the print job was done. The print dialog with the printer icon being filled was a nice way of showing print progress why you sipped your coffee and kept an eye on the fanfold not getting jammed in the printer.