He Invented Technography Too!
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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.
Outliners.com Message ID: 674
Posted by nubuckaroo
2000-07-27 19:00:18
I’ve got to send this off to Bernie DeKoven, but check out this article from 1962!
The guy is some kind of freaking GENIUS or something.
It’s not exactly liltingly entertaining prose, but if you stick with it and follow along, he’s describing hypertext, outlining, technography, macros, glossaries, and probably a dozen other ideas just now reaching their fruition.
Here’s a quote from the Conclusion:
This is an open plea to researchers and to those who ultimately motivate, finance, or direct them, to turn serious attention toward the possibility of evolving a dynamic discipline that can-treat the problem of improving intellectual effectiveness in a total sense. This discipline should aim at producing a continuous cycle of improvements—increased understanding of the problem, improved means for developing new augmentation systems, and improved augmentation systems that can serve the world’s problem solvers in general and this discipline’s workers in particular. After all, we spend great sums for disciplines aimed at understanding and harnessing nuclear power. Why not consider developing a discipline aimed at understanding and harnessing “neural power?” In the long run, the power of the human intellect is really much the more important of the two.
Amazing. What a visionary.