Re: Word Processors: Outlines, Main Text and Footnotes
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 5189
Posted by srdiamond15
2006-02-07 19:57:18
I can’t recommend any version other than v 2003; it’s the only version I know anything about. Some of the features that came out in 2003 and perhaps 2000 include, as you mention, multiple selection; strip all formatting (I think only in 2003. Very useful command that probably should have been there long ago. I don’t know what else is new, but at some point Office started tracking the applied formatting, making it easy to create appropriate styles. Also, not saving your work ceased being a terrifying possibility because of the document recovery features that no one ever seems to remark about.
You do have to be careful about selection until it becomes habitual. The paragraph is the central element, and a paragraph’s formatting is contained in the paragraph mark at it’s paragraph’s end. Turn on “View paragraph marks” at first; use the Document Map; do as much work as you comfortably can in the “Normal” view.
Perhaps someone else is conversant with Word 2000.
Disclosure: I am not a Microsoft employee, but for a brief time some 20 years ago, I was an MS MVP (Word 6 on the Mac). By the way, the Microsoft newsgroups are really excellent. Put up a question and someone will give you the answer within a few hours.
Stephen Diamond
Stephen Diamond