Re: AskSam - is this my best choice: or maybe it is
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 5014
Posted by graham.smith
2006-01-14 10:51:56
For any one who is still following this saga. MyBase has now been dismissed for this job:-(
Some of the word files have maps in them which even when compressed still end up with large files - still under a Mb, however.
MyBase just grinds to a halt with these larger reports, where as AskSam is comletely unphased by them. AskSam does in fact import the graphics, it is just the tables it has problems with. However, the flattened tables in Asksam are still arranged in a logical order, so if you note the column headings, you can work out what each number means, even though they aren’t arranged in a table any more.
MyBase generally imports tables well, but when it doeasn’t, it jumbles up the headings and entries making them impossible to follow. Additionally, unless I am just missing it, MyBase doesn’t automatically inlcude a lnk back to the original file. AMD has also now been dimissed because it doesn’t search linked files.
Additidionally, now that Mybase has sparked my interest in creating a stand alone database of the reports, then the free AskSam viewer looks atractive. The lack of formatting in the tables could be lived with, or if I were creating a proper database for distribution beyond those who had access to the original files, you can insert the tables as a graphic and hyperlink them to the right place in the AskSam document.