Re: AskSam - is this my best choice
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 5007
Posted by daly_de_gagne
2006-01-13 16:38:14
Graham, it is quite easy to browse through files with either MDE InfoHandler or Idea, as simple as clicking a link. The difference is that all your your emails, scanned articles, memos, spread sheets, draft papers, etc. related to one project are all in one place, instead of your having to scurry through several different folders.
You are not changing the format of any file, and you are not making extra copies. You are linking to what is already there.
I think that AS as a concept is becoming obsolete. The idea of having everything in one place is very seductive, but I can do it more readily with my own use of MDE InfoHandler and ADM than I can with AS.