Re: On to Styles
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 4966
Posted by graham.smith
2006-01-08 11:52:35
A few comments on styles.
1. It is much easier to mess up a Word Document if you don’t use styles, particularly multi-authored documents.
2. Styles in Word are reasonably obscure, but in the days when I managed a team of people, I set up templates for each of the report styles we used with the different levels of styles given a hot key Ctrl+1 for top level heading, Ctl+2 for second level heading, ctrl+5 for a bullet point, ctrl+6 for indented both sides and italics for quotes etc etc
3. Although I can only vaguely remember now, I think that Ventura DTP used to allow you to put a ventura recognised style (text based) tag into any document, Word WP, text editor which it then recognised once all the various documents form various sources were insterted into the final Ventura Document. This would have worked with Brainstorm where you could tag each bit of text with the appropriate tag, and Ventura would format it for you.