Going 3-dimensional
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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.
Outliners.com Message ID: 4879
Posted by sub
2006-01-03 05:05:14
Those who liked Notebox Disorganizer ( http://www.geocities.com/goosnargh37/ ) might be interested to try out a work combination with Brainstorm, resulting in a powerful 3-dimensional organising system.
A whole Brainstorm model can be written to the clipboard with tabs and pasted into a single cell of a Notebox file. Tabs marking levels are maintained, which means that the cell contents can be re-imported to Brainstorm for hierarchical editing.
Thus, one can have a table of notes where each cell can be opened in Brainstorm as a hierarchical model, effectively adding an extra dimension to the table view.
Given that tab-indented text notes can be imported to most mind mappers and a few outliners as well, this combination is not limited to Brainstorm models, though I personally prefer its text paradigm.
I am now thinking of creating a couple of macros to quickly switch from Notebox “overview” to Brainstorm “detail” and vice versa.