Re: MORE 3.1 PageMaker Files
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 503
Posted by afragen
2000-04-13 10:44:54
> Can someone explain how all these files fit together? I think I have an
old copy of PageMaker 3 at home, so I’m going try to to actually get them
into a format a least slightly more useful. However, upon looking through
the files ( I haven’t opened them in PM3 yet ), I can’t figure out what
is what.
Actually someone has already converted most of the files to PDF. They are here.,, and
The only one that remains is the Manual.
> Any insight as to how these files go together to make the manual is appreciated.
Sorry I wish I could help. But I am very interested if and when the manual is converted.