Wiki notetaking in ConnectedText, & wiki Brainstorm?
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 4474
Posted by talazem
2005-10-30 01:41:56
In my ongoing search for the perfect (?!) note-taking app, and another for note storage & retrieval [is Daly reading? I’d sure appreciate a reply on academic usage of IH! :-) ], i came across a wiki note-taking app today called ConnectedText - .
I know, i know…it’s not an outliner. But i thought it might be of interest to some, and i wanted to know what people’s experiences with using personal & desktop wikis for notetaking, brainstorming, and writing were.
Furthermore, i came across it as i searched the net while simultaneously preparing a lecture for a class tomorrow, using my current trial of Brainstorm (yes: procrastination). It made me think: the concept of Namesakes is very similar to the way a wiki link works. My problem with the namesakes, however, is that i’ve wanted to use them numerous times, but haven’t been able to, due to the way they work: if you don’t have two exactly identical entries, they won’t connect. There’s no way to have a particular word or phrase in an entry link to an entry with the same word or phrase.
For example, while preparing my lecture (on the syllogism for a course in classical rhetoric), i’d wanted to link, for example, the word “subcontrary” - which occurs in the middle of an entry - to its definition, which is its own entry elsewhere in my Brainstorm model. But alas, i can’t do that, at least as far as i know.
I personally think this “wiki-ization” (do pardon me), or ability to choose words and phrases to link (internally, definitely, to other entries, but perhaps even as hyperlinks to external files!), of Brainstorm would really be a major enhancement to the project. Any hopes of seeing such a thing any time?