Re: Should Brainstorm be part of a multi-faceted outliner
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 4436
Posted by talazem
2005-10-27 06:48:13
“In the beginning of the writing process, you really need a kind of “vague outliner”, where you only categorise in broad terms. Well, it’s really not an outliner, but more a “categoriser”. This set of categories is then gradually becoming more detailed and the outline structure emerges. The challenge is to enable categorisation of items in initial, fuzzy phase, while supporting the crystallisation of the more detailed categorisation and finally the eventual structure of theoutline. While bringing forth the actual items in the right places, ie. not loosing the important knowledge that the categorisation in itself is.”
Peter, and others… what current software from the bunch fits each stage of the research & categorization of research notes - thinking/brainstorming - structuring (outline) of paper - writing process you mentioned above? Where do each of BrainStorm, Infohandler, Zoot, NoteMap, or mindmapping programs such as MindManager fit in the above schema for you?