Re: Looking for copy of InfoDepot for Mac
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 461
Posted by Bob.Dalgleish
2000-01-21 09:15:01
This is the best outliner I ever used (still use, in fact). Their user interface was a bit iffy, but it was improving in the version 3 beta that I was privilege to. It was nearly fully AppleScriptable, and I had useful scripts to create HTML pages, do project management, and database management functions. (The vendor was Chena Software, which died the real death trying to shepherd the product into the Windows world, with West Publishing likely paying the funeral expenses).
Second would be IN Control 3, which I also still use.
Both provide a *tabular* interface, which is absolutely essential for anything other than trivial ideas. Allows you to put annotations or resources or costs, or lots of other stuff. Combined with a hierarchical outliner, this is the only real way to manage projects.