AiBase response
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 3974
Posted by ureadit
2005-08-27 22:19:36
The AiBasepeople have responded to my inquiry.
Here is the question I posed:
“Dear Sirs:
“The features of AiBase are quite impressive. I do have one question: Does AiBase have the ability to automatically assign information to what some call “categories” or “columns,” and which you may term “objects”?
“Here is an example of what I mean: I create a category (or object?) named “Beautiful.” I then create a rule that automatically links to “Beautiful” anything I add to AiBase that includes the word “Gretchen” or the word “Susan.” Then, whenever I view the category (or object?) “Beautiful,” I find linked to it everything in AiBase that includes the word “Gretchen” or the word “Susan.” “
Here is their reply:
“Dear Mr. Cohen,
“we apologize for the late answer, your email was not delegated
to our support person, now on weekend-revision I discovered it.
“Such categories are currently not possible. What you can do now is: in document settings you can assign keywords (e.g. ‘beautiful’) to a
whole document (e.g. to document ‘X’ which contains information about a beautiful person). Later you can search for ‘beautiful’ and as
search-result you get the document ‘X’, and all other documents
which have the keyword ‘beautiful’.
“We also released a new version (1.21) this week, which offers hot link symbols for faster navigation (by mouse click).
“We always welcome questions and suggestions.
“Best regards,
“Hugo Roth”