Re: Getting stuff from BrainStorm to Word, etc.
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Note: This message is from the archive kindly provided by Dave Winer. Message ID: 3733
Posted by pma
2005-08-11 05:43:22
Well, isn’t this the same for every standard? It also happened to HTML, the various browsers developed (and probably still develop) faster than the official standard from W3, but there is an overall compatibility, which makes exchange of documents easier than proprietary standards. Of course, OPML would need to evolve as well, and maybe the standard IS already insufficient. But then the developers of leading applications likely to use OPML, ie. outliner-like software, should join hands and develop a standard. As it is now, OPML is rather one man’s work, as far as I understand, and even though this is a great start, it’s not feasible, if OPML should develop into some kind of standard for information interchange.
The various outliners didn’t need to use OPML as their native standard - but at least, they should be able to ex/import data in this format. This might mean, that some information gets lost, but it would still be better than having no common interchange format.